The impact of “partial” mobilization
Maxim Mironov (IB Business School) and Oleg Itskhoki (UCLA) published a brief article about the impact of the “Partial” mobilization on Russian society. It has some profound implications for society …
Russian politics
Maxim Mironov (IB Business School) and Oleg Itskhoki (UCLA) published a brief article about the impact of the “Partial” mobilization on Russian society. It has some profound implications for society …
Victory for Turkish President Recep Erdoğan. Armenia lost, big time. Setback for Iran. For Putin…
Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke at “Россия зовет” (Russian Calling) forum about the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh. “Where did the conflict begin? It began with ethnic clashes, first, in Sumgait in …
Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the leader of the far-right Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, spoke at the Russian Duma offering sharp criticism against the President of Belarus.